Friday, November 1, 2013

Be More Like James

Each morning as I walk to work, I pass several people who are camped out on benches whom I assume are homeless.  One of these men has always seemed different than the others.  He has never asked for a handout, always has a smile on his face, and greets me each morning he sees me with a smile and a wave.  His name is James.

It has taken me a while to actually stop and talk with James.  What do you say to a complete stranger who is obviously struggling?  You don't want to put anyone down or unintentionally hurt their pride or self-esteem.  As I was walking this morning, it started raining.  Actually it was more of a mist, but you could tell that wet weather was going to settle in for the day.  As I came to James' bench, he smiled and waved as usual.  I wished him a good morning and asked how he was.  James just shrugged his shoulders and looked to the sky as to say, "It's raining, I don't have a shelter, but I'm going to be OK."  I stopped and introduced myself for the first time.  I was wearing a rain jacket, but had an umbrella in my backpack.  I asked James if he could use an umbrella.  Truthfully, I rarely use it and usually just wear a rain jacket and a ball cap.  James smiled and said that he thought it might come in handy today.  I just asked him to remove it from my pack and wished him peace.

For me, small inconveniences each day can negatively impact my attitude if I'm not careful.  It's easy for a really good day to turn into a crappy day if I focus on the things that go wrong in my day or seem unfair.  It's during these times, that I need to be like James.  Suck it up.  Think of the good things that I do have.  Be thankful.  Praise God for the beauty around me.  Grow my endurance.

In the book of James (sorry, but I couldn't resist!), we are told that "when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." (James 1: 2-4 NLT)  In short, be more like James.

Friday, October 25, 2013

"Focus on the Positives"

A dear friend at church prayed this prayer last Sunday.  It really struck a chord with me.

Heavenly Father,
You are amazing, powerful and loving.  You created each one of us unique; the proof of which is in our fingerprints.  Distinct, one-of-a-kind us.  You've loved us while we were in the womb and continue to guide us each day.  Lord, in this fallen world we sometimes lose hope, lose faith, are lost or taken down the wrong path.  Failure, Death, Pain, Worry, Fear; all are present in this world.  We sometimes ask you "why" and are upset when there is no answer.  Lord, in those times we ask you for strength, for courage, and to keep on keeping on despite not knowing why.

Lord, we ask you to comfort us in times when we are weak, to be our support.  Lord we also thank you for acting through those around us.  For your light shines brightly through the people in this place by acts of kindness and compassion.

Lord, we pray that we treat others the way we would like to be treated, and above all love and trust in  you.  As Jesus knows, this world - this life is not easy and in this life we will have trouble.  But we know that you have overcome the world and we put our faith in you.

Lord we thank you for the good around us, for new beginnings, the simple joys in life..... hot coffee or cocoa on a cold morning, a smile on a child's face, a hug from a friend, laughter in the park.

Lord, I pray that you help us focus on the positives in life, for that is where you live.  Not in the underbelly of pain and darkness, but in the light.  Help us overcome the dark with bright sunshine.  You are amazing and all powerful.  Thank you for your unfailing love.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Doing G.O.O.D.

I was surfing news sites yesterday like I typically do during lunch and stumbled across a Charlotte-based project called "Project Get Off Our Donkey."  Besides having a witty name (taken from Luke 10 and the parable of the Good Samaritan), Project GOOD is hoping to make a meaningful impact in our city by pointing out areas where people are in need of God's grace and unconditional love and then giving actionable suggestions for volunteering and helping meet those needs.  The seven areas that Project Good is focusing on are:

  • Human Trafficking
  • High School Dropouts
  • Homeless
  • Abortion
  • Prisoners
  • Refugee
  • Elderly
After watching several of the short videos, I felt a need to act.  I'm not really sure how much of a difference one middle-aged man can make, but I'll do what I can.  I also urge you to visit the Project Good website and, if nothing else, become better informed about the every day struggles people are facing in our city.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Before traveling to Costa Rica this summer, we were asked to think about why we are Christians.  If someone stopped us on the street and asked, how would we share our faith.  For me, it was easy.  It comes down to two words...Grace and Love.  U2 does a great job of describing "Grace."


Grace, she takes the blame
She covers the shame
Removes the stain
It could be her name

Grace, it's the name for a girl
It's also a thought that changed the world
And when she walks on the street
You can hear the strings
Grace finds goodness in everything

Grace, she's got the walk
Not on a ramp or on chalk
She's got the time to talk
She travels outside of karma
She travels outside of karma
When she goes to work
You can hear her strings
Grace finds beauty in everything

Grace, she carries a world on her hips
No champagne flute for her lips
No twirls or skips between her fingertips
She carries a pearl in perfect condition

What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings
Because Grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things

Grace makes beauty out of ugly things

Video -U2 "Grace"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Government Shutdown

Headlines in newspapers across the country today are once again announcing the shutdown of the government of what is arguably the most powerful nation on Earth.  USA Today takes it one step further by asking, "Can the government be saved?".

I'm not going to get into a political discussion, because there are ideological differences between parties and individuals.  That's fine.  What's not OK is when these adults who accepted the responsibility of guiding our country start to act like 5-year old children.  Our lawmakers (as well as a good portion of our society) have lost the ability to converse in a civil manner, respect each other's differences, and work towards a solution that benefits our nation.

I posted a scripture verse this morning on Facebook that one would think was written for today.  Titus 3:14 (NLT) says, "Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive."  'Nuff said.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Cool shoes!"

I've always been one who talks to strangers.  I'm sure it scared my mother to death when I was young and my wife is constantly amused by this behavior.

As I got off the train this morning at Stonewall Station and was walking down the stairs, I noticed the shoes of the woman in front of me.  This young professional was dressed in shades of grey but her shoes had bright yellow cap toes and a yellow stripe on the back.  Since I had to look down at the steps to prevent myself from falling, the bright yellow in front of me kept flashing into my vision.

I finally caught up to this woman at the corner as we were waiting for the light to change and simply said, "Cool shoes."  She immediately got a big smile on her face and told everyone on the corner how unsure she was about buying them, but that my comment made her day.

Each of you will come across at least one situation during your day where you interact with someone you don't know.  My challenge to you is to find something pleasant to say to a stranger.  Bring a smile to their face.  Trust me, it will make you both feel less cynical.  Doing this daily opens your eyes to God's beauty in others.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Being Mindful

My daily walk today was more like a "sit."  The Wellness Committee at Moore & Van Allen had an information session and Introduction to Mindfullness Meditation.  I could really dig this.  Mindfullness doesn't really seem to be much different than the quiet time that I try to find each day; time to be enveloped by stillness.  For me, it is during this time where I get a sense of comfort and of peace.  It's during this time that I listen for the Holy Spirit's guidance.  Call it what you will, but peace and quiet are items much needed in today's world.

+Moore&VanAllen #mindfullness